Is ThaiKisses reputable? This question may be interesting for everybody who wants to date a Thai girl. It is absolutely legit to ask yourself a question like that, as there are many fake dating sites and scammers playing with people who are searching for love and relationship. In this post we gonna answer the question: Is ThaiKisses reputable?
Is ThaiKisses reputable?

There are several dating websites in the internet which are not reputable and well known for many fake profiles and dating scammers. So it can for example happen, that in the worst case no girl from Thailand sits behind the screen on the other side, but an African Dating Scammer. For this reason, everyone should ask themselves whether a dating website is in general reputable or not. We’ll share our experience and detailed view on the things about the ThaiKisses dating-website, but one thing in advance: Yes, ThaiKisses is reputable and safe…
How reputable is ThaiKisses?
It would be a lie if we would claim that ThaiKisses is 100% reputable, because that’s not a single dating site on the internet. But before you judge, you should have look at the whole package. And that’s exactly what we do…
In short, YES, ThaiKisses is reputable. Not 100%, but we guess 90%. But what does that mean? ThaiKisses is not a scamming website. Most of the issues are coming down to the fact, that many of the registered Thai women are not really looking for a relationship, but fast money from foreigners. Although ThaiKisses is mainly used by older Thai women, some Thai girls (especially the younger ones) on ThaiKisses do not want a serious relationship, but sex for a fee. This is also the only reason why in our opinion ThaiKisses is not 100% serious. But there are also of course many girls registered who are searching real love, dates or a stable relationship.
As already mentioned ThaiKisses users are mostly older women above 30. Especially in Bangkok you can find plenty of good Thai girls with ThaiKisses, if you are searching in places like Pattaya, you will find of course mostly freelancers.

So far we have had only good and serious experiences with ThaiKisses. But that mustn’t necessarily mean that it is always like that. Use your common sense and the alarm bells should ring at the latest when the girls are asking for money before you even met them. As soon as you hear any story like the mother is sick, the house has to be repaired, a family member is in the hospital due to an accident, then you should be very careful. These are usually just fictional stories to persuade you to send large amounts of money. You should never do that, especially if you never met the girl in real life before.
As already mentioned, we strongly believe that ThaiKisses is very reputable. Nevertheless, you should always be careful and not act negligently. Especially if you are an older guy looking for women in your age, ThaiKisses might be a great option for you. At ThaiKisses are many normal and hard working women registered but be prepared that in some places like Pattaya the younger and good looking girls are freelancers.
Conclusion ThaiKisses reputation: ThaiKisses works really well in Thailand itself but has almost no members outside of Thailand. If you also want to date Thai women in your home country or other Asian countries, then ThaiCupid is the platform you should use. Scammers are not really common on ThaiKisses and we assume that there are more than 90% real profiles. The worst thing what can happen to you is that you get in touch with girls who are only looking out for easy money. Just use your common sense and it shouldn’t be too difficult to find good and legit girls with ThaiKisses. Good luck!
For whom is ThaiKisses good for?
- People who are searching Thai women in Thailand
- Older people who searching a serious relationship